Be a Fragrant Flower Rather Than A Pressed One

“Personality is an unbroken series of successful gestures.” -Unknown How many times have your friends asked you out while they were facing some problems in life? Were you able to guide them to clarity? How did it make you feel? Accomplished, isn’t it?  Despite being able to guide your friends through their lives, do you…

Knowing When To Fold Is the Trick To Poker

Throughout our lives, we are fed with the thought of trying one last time whenever we want to quit. In the world of quick fixes and volatile pleasures, it even makes sense. We shouldn’t use quit to escape the adversities in life. It is in knowing that overcoming those adversities no longer aligns with the…

Advice to Writers – Fantasy stories but Real Emotions

Have you ever found yourself immersed in a storybook only to be depressed when it doesn’t end well? Have you spent days wallowing in misery over a story that kills the old aunt who was a source of warmth to the protagonist?  Have you ever hoped beyond hope that a story may end in happily-ever-after?…

2023 is Just Another Calendar Year : It’s Okay!

Its okay if you cannot leave 2022 behind. Its okay if you don’t look forward to 2023. It’s okay if you have no plans for 2023. Its okay if you want to take this year one day at a time. Its okay if you feel lost while others are making new goals. Its’ okay if…

It’s Okay To Hate Your Job!

How often have you wondered about an alternate life story? How often have you desired of a different present? I was talking to an old friend of mine. We go decades back when life was effortlessly happy & of course, we keep reminiscing about those days. Lately, he has been stressed because of his project…

To Those Who Are Stressed About Being Better!

Are you someone who believes in improving yourself every day? Are you someone who feels that life is all about being better in the next moment?  Are you someone who reads all those self-help books, and follow them in great detail? Are you someone who struggles to journal and meditate and be disciplined but stresses…

Making a Choice Today!

This blog is probably a life-transforming realization that I had today after reading “The Lost Choice’” by Andy Andrews.  The book is about the choices we make and reinforces the truth of ‘the butterfly effect’, which in all its essence means that your actions determine the course of millions of other people, consciously or unconsciously….


Question your choices when someone makes you feel foolish for loving them too much…. Question your choices when a relationship feels more like a responsibility than feelings… Question your choices when your definition of happiness doesn’t compliment his…. Question your choices when coming back home feels dreadful… Question your choices when being happy takes every…

Let That Biscuit Fall in the Tea  

  Sometimes you don’t have to have a clue… Sometimes you don’t have to cry for the time that flew… Because sometimes it’s not about you.   Not every phase of life is supposed to be determined by you. There is a beauty in going with the flow and embracing life as it comes. And…

Ex-Pixie dust

This world is all about finding the magic in you. It leaves the regular people so stressed. Why is it so necessary to be magical? Non-magical people don’t survive? Or they don’t find love? Why is it such a big deal to be special? Sometimes you may feel, due to past dynamics that you are…

10 Things I Learnt Travelling Solo

Travelling solo is the new “in”. “Come closer to your own self”, “knowing yourself”, “quality time” are the adjectives associated with solo backpacking. For female travellers it is all the more worth undertaking as it helps you to grow beyond your own identity as someone’s girlfriend, daughter, daughter in-law, mother, etc. etc. Travelling solo or…

Frogs & The Prince Charming

This is the time of my life when my friends have tagged me as “sold out.”  My ever wandering heart has finally found a peaceful partner that somehow has transformed the course of my explorations. Now they begin and end at the very same place! And surprisingly it is but natural, without my voluntary interference!…