Is Gratitude Relative?

How often have your parents told you that you are luckier than someone who doesn’t even have proper clothes to wear? How often do you feel blessed for your senses when you see someone physically challenged? How often were you grateful when you were asymptomatic for covid while there were people who were on ventilators?…

To The Emotions Trapped in the Locked Diaries

Have you ever had a secret diary or a journal?  Was it an escape for you or just a way to express yourself? A few years back I moved from my physical lock and key diaries to a password protected e-journal. And let me tell you that my journal is a little sadist. It sends…

2023 is Just Another Calendar Year : It’s Okay!

Its okay if you cannot leave 2022 behind. Its okay if you don’t look forward to 2023. It’s okay if you have no plans for 2023. Its okay if you want to take this year one day at a time. Its okay if you feel lost while others are making new goals. Its’ okay if…

Let No One Tell You, “It’s Too Much Cheese”

Let me start by saying, “It’s okay to feel whatever you are feeling right now.” How often do you look at other people and think to yourself that they have had it hard and are still going on and here you are cribbing about a flat tire or a melted ice cream?  How often have…

It’s Not About Having Friends; It’s About Having Friendship!

I am sitting with a cup of tea accompanied by the silence of the house that follows after the chaotic morning routine. It’s early in the morning but I am already multi-tasking; Feeling the taste of ginger & clove in my tea, listening to the birds chirping outside, soaking in the smell of earth after…

Breathe! And Let Your Dreams Breathe too!

“Zindagi tej, bahut tej chali ho Jaise” Everywhere I look or everything I read, everybody is invested in hustling harder, making ambitious goals, reading more books, basically working too hard; especially since this new year began! You know goal settings, resolutions, a promise for a better year, a better self! The problem is not in…

Making a Choice Today!

This blog is probably a life-transforming realization that I had today after reading “The Lost Choice’” by Andy Andrews.  The book is about the choices we make and reinforces the truth of ‘the butterfly effect’, which in all its essence means that your actions determine the course of millions of other people, consciously or unconsciously….

Winter Wonderland

How spectacular would it be if we could have exact words or images, maybe holograms that could be projected in space, to express whatever we are feeling? This thought is inspired by Ted Chiang; I have been struggling to express my feelings especially from the past two days after experiencing the snowstorm. If I say…

We Just Did a Favor To Our Future Selves & Our Families!

I cannot believe that I am writing something about year-end so soon. Just a few days back it was March, and we were happy about traveling in colorful tops and shorts rather than the monotony of darker colored overcoats and jackets. It was just yesterday that we filled our freezers with different flavored ice-creams. The…

What’s Your Plan for New….(Flying chappal received)!!!

It’s almost New Year’s eve!!! Aren’t you excited? Yeah! But before it’s new year’s you must face all those cliché questions as if only by answering them will open the doors to the next year. My god! You are really pissed! Why shouldn’t she be? She is right. Wherever I go people bombard me with…

Let That Biscuit Fall in the Tea  

  Sometimes you don’t have to have a clue… Sometimes you don’t have to cry for the time that flew… Because sometimes it’s not about you.   Not every phase of life is supposed to be determined by you. There is a beauty in going with the flow and embracing life as it comes. And…

It’s all about finding wonder…

Dedicating a day to the child in you is as insignificant as the number of lays in a 5/- packet. It’s just not enough!!! Being a child is not just about being silly, naughty or immature, it is so much beyond these little character traits. It’s about loving someone unconditionally because you don’t know any…