Is There A Beauty In Losing People?

What do you do when you lose people you thought would be with you always? Does the heartbreak go on forever? Does it ever get better? I am sure almost all of us have lost people, some to life and some to death. There were people we thought would last our entire lifetime who we…

To The Choco-Chip Fallen From A Choco-Chip Cookie

*2-minute read* How often have you wondered if there is someone who understands your feelings in their full form rather than an abbreviated version of what you tell them? I often think to myself that we humans tend to only choose the feelings we like to acknowledge. We rarely embrace feelings in their grand, complicated…

It’s Not About Having Friends; It’s About Having Friendship!

I am sitting with a cup of tea accompanied by the silence of the house that follows after the chaotic morning routine. It’s early in the morning but I am already multi-tasking; Feeling the taste of ginger & clove in my tea, listening to the birds chirping outside, soaking in the smell of earth after…

To All the fixers and care-takers

Disclaimer: 8 minutes read. Have you ever been blessed enough to take care of someone who is sick?  Recently a very close friend of mine has been taking care of his friend who is in a whole other country. He used to be on video calls with her day in and day out. He was…

Zindagi tej… bahut tej chali ho jaise…

“Ek lamhe me simat aaya hai sadiyo ka safar…Zindagi tej… bahut tej chali ho jaise..” Yesterday I was lazing around in a park, embracing the first warm breeze of summers. I was busy admiring how beautiful the rays from the setting sun looked, reflecting on the leaves. My mind was at peace, and I was…

Remembrance is a Pleasure

Why don’t you send him those long-distance friendship lamps or bracelets? What? What exactly are those? It’s a new technique that has come up for families, friends, or lovers who are in different places. There are these lamps & bracelets which come in pairs. Each pair has its own unique code. You can keep one…

I am Missing Home : Plain & Simple!

Disclaimer: Emotional post about videsi missing home! Coming April would mark my 4 years in The US and almost 14 years of staying alone, away from the securities of family. And believe me, I have cherished every moment of my life to an extent that freedom is the only way I know to live. But…

The Subtle Love In Those Habits

Today I was talking to a friend of mine. She recently got married to her boyfriend of 12 years. I have known them both individually, her for a good 10 years as a very dynamic and no nonsense person, and him for a few years as a kind and a very sorted guy. Ever since…

I Want That Choice

(And not just an understanding) Being a woman is one the biggest responsibility in itself. Few years back the only concern I, as a woman, had was about my personal security when I traveled anywhere. Being raised in a dynamic household, I was pretty independent when it came to travelling overnight for weekends or traveling…

To The Girl Who Thought Love would be Enough

If you are reading this, then I am sorry. I know how badly it hurts when you realise that love isn’t enough. I also know that you knew this on some level before, but never felt that it could define the sustainability of your relationship. Yes, sorry to break the bubble, love isn’t enough. Especially…

But That’s How It Is!

It’s like you no longer belong to the same soul you once used to. Either the people who knew you back in the days before you got married were wrong or the people who claim to know you today are. Or maybe in an altogether different scenario, you just changed. You changed so much that…